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PCC Alumni visits College Campus

A welcoming moments manifest themselves in different forms and sometimes they materialize at the most inopportune moments. This is what took place on Thursday, August 9, 2018 when Palau Community College Alumni from Kosrae, Pohnpei, Yap and the Marshall Islands visit PCC Campus. On hand to welcome the alumni was PCC President Patrick U. Tellei, Dean Robert Ramarui, Director Dahlia Katosang and Dorm Manager Ephraim Ngirachitei. A one-hour meet and greet started off with PCC President Tellei updating alumni about the college academic initiatives, programs and services. The following alumni were able to make some time our of their busy schedule while attending a weeklong 2018 Association of the Pacific Islands Public Auditor’s Conference held at Ngarachamayong Cultural Center from August 6 to 10 of this year, Jackolyn Daniel – Class of 1982, Senator Rolner Joe – Class of 1981, Elisa S. Isaac – Class of 2004, Shrue F. Nedlic – Class of 2005, Jesse Foruw – Class of 2006, Pauline Kobeney – Class of 2015, Neimon Kephas – Class of 1987, and Yasuhiro Kudo – Class of 2009. Palau Community College is pleased to extends its warmest welcome to all the alumni and wish them all the best and safe trip back home.