ACCJC’s Third Party Comment allows an individual who wishes to make comments on an institution that is undergoing comprehensive review in the current semester and that is considered by the ACCJC at its next meeting, should use the Third Party Comment Form to provide any comment about the institution’s quality or effectiveness, as well as, the basis of any provided comments. The Third Party Comment Form should include individual/group name, address, phone number, and email address. The Third Party Comment Form should be received by the Commission five weeks before the scheduled Commission meeting. Comments should be submitted as an attachment to or mail to:
Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204
Novato, CA 94949
Palau Community College comprehensive review is spring 2016 and ACCJC’s meeting in regards to Palau Community College’s spring 2016 comprehensive review is scheduled for the first week of June 2016. The Third Party Comment Form is available at PCC’s Office of the President and the Accreditation Office. For more information, please contact Accreditation Liaison Officer, Deikola Olikong at (680) 488-2470/2471 ext. 271 or via email at