The Care-Giving Program offered by the Continuing Education (CE) Department of Palau Community College (PCC) certified a third group of caregivers on July 24, 2013. A total of 11 new caregivers were awarded: Huana Nestor, Melinda Wasai, Marivic K. Damian, Lizle C. Delos Santos, Morris
A ceremony was held for the participants of the Koror State Summer Youth Program on Friday, July 19, 2013. Held at the Koror State Government (KSG) Assembly Hall, the ceremony commemorated each young Palauan for learning an aspect of their culture. Young Palauans who participated in
A second group of caregivers was certified after completing the Care-Giving Program at Palau Community College (PCC) on July 08, 2013. A total of 10 caregivers were awarded: Alvina Marcil, Evalind Adelbai, Federica Balasbas Bukringang, Felomina E. Medina, Julita Tellei, Fraulein Reng