Led by Chairman Junichi Tanaka and accompanied by Dr. Minoru Ueki, the Okinawa Palau Friendship Club visited the campus of Palau Community College (PCC) on Friday, September 27, 2013. The members of the club met with PCC President Dr. Patrick U. Tellei. This year marks the club’s 34th
Congratulations to all the newly elected officers for the Associated Students of Palau Community College (ASPCC) and representatives for the student organizations for the 2013-2014 school year. Palau Student Organization President: Antoni Soalablai Vice President: Ayela Filibert Secre
PCC President Dr. Patrick U. Tellei presenting a wooden-framed photograph to the family of a fallen Palauan Hero. On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Palau Community College (PCC) hosted a 9/11 Memorial Service at the PCC Assembly Hall. The service remembered the victims and honored the
The two students from Carnegie Mellon University have ended their stay with Palau Community College (PCC). For ten weeks, the pair resided at the PCC dormitories while assisting the college with its computer networking and website. Carnegie Mellon University is an institute of highe