This course teaches students about reproductive biology and the eleven major organ systems of the body. During lecture charts, models and demonstrations and laser discs will be used to help explain concepts. Students enter this course with a strong foundation on the organization level
This first section of Anatomy and Physiology course will cover the first three levels of organization of Anatomy and Physiology: (1) Molecules/Chemistry, (2) the Cell, and (3) Tissues. This course will focus on the fundamentals of organic and inorganic chemistry needed for nursing. Th
This course is intended to provide students with a sound understanding of the basic processes of geology. Topics include the origin, composition, and structure of the earth, internal processes and plate tectonics, weathering and soil, and surface processes.
This course provides students with an introduction to the physical sciences beginning with physics and studies of measurement, motion, gravity, energy, electricity, and magnetism. Chemistry covers fundamentals of matter, atomic theory, and the periodic table. Earth Science includes ge
This is the first semester of a two semester course that covers cells and molecular biology, generics, evolution, and the origin and history of life on earth.