Led by Chairman Junichi Tanaka and accompanied by Dr. Minoru Ueki, the Okinawa Palau Friendship Club visited the campus of Palau Community College (PCC) on Friday, September 27, 2013. The members of the club met with PCC President Dr. Patrick U. Tellei. This year marks the club’s 34th visit to Palau as a renewal of the friendship they share with the island.
The delegation included Yumiko Imaizumi, Tomiko Kobayashi, Masashi Nagata, Inzio Zenzio, and Lecturer Dr. Shingo Iitaka. Chairman Tanaka and Dr. Ueki were schoolmates at the Daichi Palau Elementary School. During their meeting with PCC President Tellei, the Okinawa-Palau Friendship Club presented the school with a certificate of appreciation as well as $500 to the PCC Endowment Fund. The club also donated a book entitled “50 Years of the Postwar Era” as an expression of their gratitude for the assistance provided by the college and its willingness to host the Daichi Palau Elementary School monument.
PCC is a significant site in histories of both Palau and Japan. The PCC Campus was the site of the national hospital as well as an elementary school during the Japanese administration.
PCC President Tellei thanked the Okinawa-Palau Friendship Club for their support to the college. He also vowed to continue working closely with the group as a means of strengthening the relationship between the club and the local community.
You can access the PDF files of PCC's weekly newsletter archive here.
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