Palau Community College (PCC) hosted its End-of-the-Year Endowment Fund Luncheon on Monday, December 29, 2014 at the PCC Mesekiu Bai. The luncheon was a token of appreciation to the bi-weekly donors who have continued supporting and contributing to the PCC Endowment Fund. A raffle drawing that was set up for the event provided a chance for the bi-weekly contributors to win prizes such as shopping sprees, cash prizes, or round-trip tickets from Delta Airlines.
The PCC Endowment Fund is a critical component of the PCC 15-Year Institutional Master Plan. With an ultimate goal of $30 million, the Endowment Fund will support future programs and services of Palau’s only institution of higher learning. Through tickets sales, donations, and the bi-weekly contributions of community members the PCC Endowment Fund has continued to grow.
PCC would like to thank all of its bi-weekly contributors who have continued to support the PCC Endowment Fund. Because of your support, Palau Community College is able to secure its future stability!
You can access the PDF files of PCC's weekly newsletter archive here.
Mesekiu News