Palau Community College Continuing Education and PCC Cooperative Research and Extension held an awarding ceremony for ten trainees from Pohnpei, Yap and Palau. The training was designed to equip participants knowledge and skills needed in brackish water and mariculture to grow mangrove crab. Participants were introduced to the tools and skills needed in the management of mangrove crab hatchery, nursery, and growout methods. Knowledge acquired during this training include collection of brood stock and spawners, managing spawning, egg incubation, and hatching. Rearing of mangrove crab larvae, preparation of tanks for spawing and nursery operations including food production such as microalgae and rotifers. Present to witness and congratulate the trainees were PCC President Dr. Tellei, Vice President of Administration & Finance Jay Olegeriil, Vice President of CRE Thomas Taro, Dean of Students Sherman Daniel, Dean of CE Jefferson Thomas, and Aquaculture instructor Miguel Delo Santos. During the awarding ceremony, the training will be further developed and offered in the future in a course format so that we can train more aquaculture technicians. President Dr. Tellei gave a special remarks with a brief history of Land Grant program in Micronesian colleges and the importance of having mangrove crab farm in Micronesia. He reiterated that a mangrove crab is currently sold at $10 a pound in Palau. This training is crucial in supporting the needs and sustainabilities of mangrove crab. Participants of the first mangrove crab training were Itaia R. Fred, Jonathan A. Dewey, and Manoj R. Nair from Pohnpei, Justin Gaan-Yong, Selven Wolemal, and Steven Young-uhk from Yap, Bernice Ngirkelau, Latii Palacios, Leilanie Rechelluul, and Rodney Marino from Palau.
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